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Wine club

Enjoy curated selections, member-only events, and personalized wine experiences.

Member Only events throughout the year with onsite exclusive offers.

Shipping is always included with 40% off expedited 2 day shipping.

Since we view Members as extensions of our family, you also get a 15% discount on every single wine, including available Library selections.

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“We can't say enough good things about the wine club from Dog House Winery. We get our wine on time, every time and it's always delicious and perfectly paired with what we are enjoying that evening.”

White Wine Club

Traditional or Subscription

Enjoy the decadent notes from our white wine club selections. You’re ready to enjoy high scoring wines from our award winning winemaker. Enjoy the decadent notes from our white wine club selections. You’re ready to enjoy high scoring wines from our award winning winemaker. Enjoy the decadent notes from our white wine club selections. You’re ready to enjoy high scoring wines from our award winning winemaker. 

Sparkling Wine Club

Traditional or Subscription

Enjoy the decadent notes from our Sparkling wine club selections. You’re ready to enjoy high scoring wines from our award winning winemaker. Enjoy the decadent notes from our Sparkling wine club selections. You’re ready to enjoy high scoring wines from our award winning winemaker. Enjoy the decadent notes from our Sparkling wine club selections. You’re ready to enjoy high scoring wines from our award winning winemaker.